eagle3zio PC Games: Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie Army

Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie Army


Feautring Co-Op of 4 players! ;) This is the most horrifying Stand-alone DLC for a game (i think xD)
For you guys, who are really-really willing to fight the zombies on WW2 times, play this game! Well, although There's COD WAW, but i can asure you, you'll be afraid by playing this, because WW2 Weapons won't be enough to fight the zombies xD

Download (FLT Edition) : 

Host : BillionUploads
Total Size : 3GB
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Password : eagle3zio.blogspot.com
RAR Password : www.sntdownloads.com

Download (KaOs-Repack Edition) :

180Upload : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
BillionUploads : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Total Size : 1GB (Repacked by KaOs) | NFO : http://goo.gl/d6shX
Password : eagle3zio.blogspot.com

Crack Only : 

RAR Password : eagle3zio.blogspot.com

Trailer :

How To Play Co-Op : 

1. Install Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army (FLT Release recommended)
2. Download the MP Fix V2 and extract it to your Game Folder and overwrite
3. Download and Install Steam Client
4. (Optional) Download latest GreenLuma and extract it to your Steam Folder
5. Run "steam.exe" and login to Steam
6. (Optional) Join the Steam Community Group
7. Join the Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army Network
8. Start the Game via Shortcut or "NZA.exe"
9. Go to "Cooperative"
10. Join or Host any Match via Steam Invites
11. Have Fun Playing^^

How To Invite :

1. Use the MP-Fix V2 and GreenLuma to Invite:
3. Add a Friend or join the Steam Community Group
4. Start Game and host a Game
5. Open Steam Overlay by pressing SHIFT + TAB
6. Press "View all Friends" (left bottom)
7. Go to Friends or Groups Tab
8. Right click on the Player Name
9. Select "Invite to Game"


  1. IDWS dong gan
    bilion upload lambat di tempat ane gan

    1. IDWS belum ada, masih main tenis dari dulu..

  2. gan ini game gak bisa pake win xp yah... :|

  3. BU BU BU BU mengapa Speedmu turun drastis nak :D

  4. billion upload kok gak bisa

  5. kalo pake versi kaos bisa ngga?

  6. yang kaos emang gabisa coop?

  7. om kok gak bisa di mainin ? , pas masuk menu langsung keluar gtw aja .... apa ada yg salah ini ?

  8. thks ya sob game'a,..SENZ tp syang cma untuk windows 7/8/vista punya ane windows xp ga support,...Minta game dead rising 2 dong sob tlong di posting....thks n nuhun atuh

  9. gan,kok ane download dr BU agak bingung ya? malah download cm bbrp kb. Info gan thx :D


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