Grand Theft Auto IV
Okay since i haven't update any game.. So i'll give you this :D as the name of "Sorry" lol XD
Well Title Says It All.. And you all know GTA So i think i don't have to give any description :)
Download :
Links Updated! 8-19-2013 | Host : UpToBox | Total Size : 13.9GB | Tested & Worked 100%
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part01.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part02.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part03.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part04.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part05.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part06.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part07.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part08.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part09.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part10.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part11.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part12.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part13.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part14.rar - 982MB
Password :
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part02.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part03.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part04.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part05.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part06.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part07.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part08.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part09.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part10.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part11.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part12.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part13.rar - 1024MB
[]GTAIV-Rzr.part14.rar - 982MB
Password :
Trailer :

what's ripped?
ReplyDeletehi admin, is this work?
ReplyDeleteeh sorry..
Deletei mean, will this work if i apply any mod?
haven't test it with any mod..
Deletedoes this work with windows seven? please respond and also have you tried any mods do they work? thanks.
ReplyDeleteof course this game will work on win 7 ^^
Deletenope.. i haven't test any mod in this version
thank you thank you thank you
DeleteThnxxxxxxxxxxxx……. a lot eagle3zio it works perfect… no problem at all keep upthe good work…..
ReplyDeleteAnd thnxxxxxxx… globe
ReplyDeleteu really sure it'll worked right?
ReplyDeleteif this one really worked..
Deletei'm going to fucking download this :D
it'll worked of course^^
Deleteokay dude :D i'm going to download this game :D
DeleteIt doesn't work.
ReplyDeleteit's working..
DeleteWhat the hell are you !! freakin bimoooooo XD
thanks thanks thanks
ReplyDeletecrack link nt working..............hell
ReplyDeletestill working..
DeleteGan ko pas di extrack file 1 sampe 5 ko ada file yang eror....
ReplyDeleteextrack kan nya ga selesai
tolong bantuan nya
file yg mana yg error?
Deletecoba untuk download ulang..
udh di extrack
Deletedi luar nya size 4,6 gb
tapi pas di propertis cuma 4,4 gb
gmana tuh gan
gan mohon bantuan nya
Deletesetelah saya copy crack nya dan saya jalankan game nya
ada tulisan GTA IV has Stop Working kata kta nya saya alupa pokok nya ga jauh dari itu
trus harus click close...
spek udah mencukupi? VCRedist++ udah install? udah punya DirectX terbaru?
Deletesilahkan cek di link "How To Fix Errors"
spek cukup mungkin bisa di medium
Deletecuma klo high mungkin patah patah
ok gan tak coba liat dlu
Gan Udah kok...
DeleteSpek Ok lah buat resolusi yang medium
DirectX nya DirectX 11
VCredit nya pas saya liat di komp saya Visual C++2008
terus apa nya ni gan...???
blh minta fb and no hp ga gan...
coba untuk install ulang gan.. ane juga kurang tau klo gitu
Deletedoain ane gan moga jalan mulus di leppy ane thx for Bimo
ReplyDeletemoga lancarr dahhh
ReplyDeleteyang di rip apa aja gan?? apa suara/movie?? terus link cracknya ga bisa di download.. thx
ReplyDeletesuara di movie dihapus benar2
Deleteok, crack akan di re upload..
link crack masih bisa kok gan..
Deletewaktu di extract pake freearc kok katanya datanya ada yang korup gimana itu gan?
ReplyDeletere download..
Deletehow to Instal it?
ReplyDeletei mean, with Torrent???
Deletemount the first .iso, and install as the default program told you, then when asked to insert the second .iso/ DVD2, mount the second .iso
DeleteDon't forget to install Daemon Tools for mounting .iso formated files :D
Kalo yang torrent itu full gan? apa masih RIP?
Deleteyg Torrent pake Burn CD gk gan???
ReplyDeletedi burn bisa, di extract pake Power Iso bisa, di mount pake Daemon Tools bisa
DeleteOH.. MAN... THANK YOU..
Deletethanks gan.. XD XD XD
emang itu hrus pake CD y?? :)
Deleteenggak harus..
Deleteyg gk hrus yg mna?
Deletedua2nya enggak harus :D
Deletebro ko file downloadnya MediafireRepack.net_G4.part1.rar ?
ReplyDeleteemang gitu..
Deletepilih yg mana?/ Download ato ( Download or Watch )
Deletekok pas gua click ( Download or Watch )...jdi begini y
Deletefile is temporarily unavailable - please try again later
Delete1. Download Freerac : -click here
2. Extract arc. in the main folder
3. Move the extracted folder to the desktop (Important!)
4. Open pc folder and run Globe Converter.exe
Note : Install Time Will Be Taking 50 to 60 Minutes!
Important?? emang harus y... ditaruh di desktop
sesuai instruksi, diharuskan dipindahkan ke desktop..
Deletetapi ane udah test, gk perlu kok di copy ke desktop :)
Ok... ^_^
DeleteOh y , ada UNCHARTED gk terbaru/ yg lama gk??
Deletecara downloadnya gimana ?
Deleteworking ga nih, tkutnya cape2 download mlh ga bisa atau corrupt...
ReplyDeleteCracknya ni ditaruh mana gan???
ReplyDeletekalo torrent itu gimana? masih rip ato udh full? kok 13gb?
ReplyDeleteBang, ini di Windows XP bisa ga?
ReplyDeletebang, ini work di Windows XP ga?
ReplyDeleteBim agar gax LEG gimana
ReplyDeletegan, gua mau tanya?
ReplyDeletekan gua punya Free Space di Local Disk(C:) = 12 GB
trus Free Space di Local Disk(D:) gua = 27 GB
pas gua Extrack pake " Free Arc ", ke Local Disk(D:)!!!
kok yang ngurang malah Space Local Disk (C:)??
ngtasinnya gimana gan?? :(
gw jf sama kayak agan.. :(
Deletegan! ini Online ya?? Nge Offlinenya gimana??
ReplyDeleteIni minimum Spesifikasi'a brapa ?
ReplyDeleteRAM'a minimum brapa biar bisa di mainin ?
Gan Bimo, ini GTAIV nya
ReplyDeleteversi patch ke berapa?
bro, ini yg dmksud rip, itu ada yg diilanginkan
ReplyDeletetruss ni apnya yg di ilangin
gan, ane kok gak full screen ya?
ReplyDeleteBro , bisa bantu aku install gak ?? sampai bisa dimainin beneran :)
ReplyDeleteAku bayar :)
masih Work nggk nih mas bimo..
ReplyDeletesaya udah greget
gan link crack nya re upload donk.!!!!
ReplyDeleteSip gan,Oh ya Boleh Req Game [Crime Life Gang Wars] yang full Pliss
ReplyDeletemas kalo di pasang patch bisa gak ?, banyak yg bilang gta4 repack gak bisa di patch ?
ReplyDeleteBedanya yang RIP sama gak RIP apa?
ReplyDeletega bisa ya download di windows 7 ?
ReplyDeleteGAN kok di saya eror ya nanti disuruh masukin MediafireRepack.net_G4.part2.rar...
ReplyDeleteini cara install nya gmn sih? ~__~
ReplyDeleteMas Bimo
ReplyDeletePart 1 - 999MB
Part 2 - 999MB
Part 3 - 999MB
Part 4 - 999MB
Part 5 - 560MB
RAR Password :
itu semua pas di xtrak ngga minta pasword terus udah nglakuin seperti prosedur di atas malah Gamenya ng Close sendiri
kenapa ia ?
are seriously this is work?
ReplyDeletegan work kgk???? kalo work langsung ane download niiii respon cepat lahh :v
ReplyDeletelink nya temporarily unavailable ..
ReplyDeletetolong diperbaiki linknya
mas, size nya terlalu besar. Minta yang KaOs ato Black Box kalo ada. Makasih...
ReplyDeletewhat is SERIAL number? pls
ReplyDeleteapa di winrarnya ada passwordnya?